Help Save D-Light

Is DCC going to protect or close down another Arts and Community Space?

Send DCC a Letter of Support

D-Light continues to fight for its survival!

Thank you for your support by signing our petition.

We can’t express how truly grateful we are. Your energy and support are keeping us going. The good news is your efforts have caught the attention of DCC.

However, this is a pivotal moment as we now must keep the pressure on DCC to ensure they take action, otherwise we face becoming yesterday’s news.

We are therefore asking you again to lend your name and weight to a Letter of Support that will go directly to the powers at be in DCC.

These letters will echo the same request that’s in the petition:

  1. That Dublin City Council (our legal landlord) undertakes the necessary and required fire safety works while respecting our occupancy of the space.

  2. DCC urgently guarantees our tenancy with a lease, to ensure our long-term survival.

A template can be downloaded, feel free to change it in any way you feel is suitable.

Letters can then either be emailed or posted to DCC’s CEO, Richard Sheakspare and NEIC's new independent Chair, Jim Gavin. If you can CC us when emailing your letter, or if you chose to post the letter, then email us a copy at

Mr Richard Shakespeare

Chief Executive at Dublin City Council,

Postal Address: Civic offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8

Email: and

Mr. Jim Gavin

Independent Chairperson of the Programme Implementation Board for the North East Inner City Initiative (NEIC)

Postal Address: North East Inner City Programme Office, 51-53 Sean McDermott Street Lower, Dublin City Council, Central Area Headquarters, Dublin 1 (D01 HW44)


D-Light Studios is a social enterprise, where profits from the studio hire go directly towards developing and curating not-for-profit initiatives such as: artists’ residencies, exhibitions, music gigs, performances, shows, markets, wellbeing activities, community events, workshops and inspirational talks as well as subsidising artists’ and community rental rates. 

Once all the pressing issues with the building are resolved, D-Light Projects - a not-for-profit entity is ready to continue to serve the arts, local and wider communities of Dublin. We are dedicated to curating a rich and diverse program for personal growth, collaboration and community well-being through Culture and Creativity.